Job Search

Here you will find a selection of our latest jobs. If you do not see a role you are interested in, be sure to register or use our job alert feature as we have jobs landing daily. We may also be working on a confidential basis with some of our Clients.
Your Job search: 52 results
West Midlands
up to £70000
Our client, a Full-Service Law Firm, is looking for a Compliance Manager to join them in Birmingham. The main purpose of this role is to ensure that all risk management and compliance policies, controls and procedures within the firm meet regulatory standards and regulations. The ideal candidate will have experience in a risk and compliance-based role within a law firm or equivalent legal environ...
up to £120000
Our client, an International Law Firm is seeking an In-House Risk Lawyer to join their dynamic office in London. The role will be varied, contributing to the management and smooth operation of the firm alongside the support of wider compliance team officers. The ideal candidate has 5 years of risk-focused PQE and extensive knowledge of legal/regulatory compliance gained from a leading, internatio...
up to £35000
Are you a future trainee solicitor looking to explore paralegal roles before starting your training contract? If you have 12 months to spare before you start, we have an amazing opportunity for you to join the London office of a UK Top 50 law firm! Our client is seeking a future trainee to join them as an in-house Risk Paralegal. This role is perfect for someone with excellent IT skills, a str...
West Yorkshire
up to £100000
Are you a Risk Management enthusiast? Do you have natural leadership skills? Would you like to be a part of an innovative, forward-thinking, legal business? If you have answered yes to any of the above, then we could be recruiting your dream job!
up to £100000
Are you a Risk Management enthusiast? Do you have natural leadership skills? Would you like to be a part of an innovative, forward-thinking, legal business? If you have answered yes to any of the above, then we could be recruiting your dream job!
up to £100000
An International Law Firm is seeking an experienced Contracts Lawyer to support the wider risk & compliance team in London. This position focuses on the risks associated with the management of client terms processes and contract reviewals. A key function of this role is to assist in the launch of a new client term platform. You will ensure it meets its specified requirements, aid in its optimis...
Returned: 52 results
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