Job Search

Here you will find a selection of our latest jobs. If you do not see a role you are interested in, be sure to register or use our job alert feature as we have jobs landing daily. We may also be working on a confidential basis with some of our Clients.
Your Job search: 52 results
Up to £60000
Our client is seeking a passionate and skilled Data Protection Manager to support their Head of Risk & Compliance in their Ipswich office. The successful candidate would be the sole Data Protection expert working alongside the Risk & Compliance team and would therefore be responsible for promoting and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations within the firm.
We have a fantastic opportunity with a leading international US law firm who are looking for an experienced Compliance Lawyer to join their London office. In this role, you will report to the Senior Compliance Council and advise on a broad range of compliance and regulatory issues relevant to legal practice.
up to £65000
Do you have experience working in an accounting or legal firm? Do you have strong knowledge of AML regulations? Do you have experience leading and managing team members? A leading UK accountancy firm is looking for an experienced AML Manager to run their newly founded client onboarding team and oversee the firm’s policies and procedures relative to AML. In this role, you will oversee the firm'...
up to $150000
A prestigious global law firm is looking for a Conflicts Specialist to join their team, working remotely. This opportunity is perfect for someone with a mindset built for finding solutions to complex challenges. The ideal candidate is someone with 2+ years of experience working within a law firm in a legal risk or compliance role. During this time, they will have performed conflicts research and ...
up tp $150000
A prestigious global law firm is looking for a Conflicts Specialist to join their team, based in Washington. This opportunity is perfect for someone with a mindset built for finding solutions to complex challenges. The ideal candidate is someone with 2+ years of experience working within a law firm in a legal risk or compliance role. During this time, they will have performed conflicts research a...
New York
up tp $155000
A prestigious global law firm is looking for a Conflicts Specialist to join their team, based in New York. This opportunity is perfect for someone with a mindset built for finding solutions to complex challenges. The ideal candidate is someone with 2+ years of experience working within a law firm in a legal risk or compliance role. During this time, they will have performed conflicts research and...
Returned: 52 results
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