Job Search

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Your Job search: 52 results
Up to £35000
We are working with a prestigious, multinational law firm, seeking a Compliance Assistant to join them in London. This position is perfect for someone who has worked in a similar role within a law firm and is now looking for their next opportunity. Within this role, you will handle intake requests and assist with new client matters, amongst other responsibilities. A candidate familiar with data...
up to £85000
A forward-thinking, ambitious, well-respected regional law firm is looking for a Risk and Compliance Manager to join them in South East London. Within this role, you will be leading a small team of risk and compliance professionals in their day-to-day tasks. You will collaborate on a variety of risk and compliance tasks, such as AML, complaints and claims. Prior experience within a legal compli...
up to £40000
A dynamic leading law firm is seeking an AML Analyst to join their team in their London office. Within this role, you will assist in internal and external compliance issues, support senior management and assist with various aml projects The ideal candidate has several years of experience in legal compliance, most desirably gained within the legal sector. Extensive knowledge of AML and CDD is key...
up to £95000
Our client, a Magic Circle Law Firm, is seeking a Compliance Lawyer to join their office in London. Within this role, you will advise the firm on issues relative to new clients and matters, such as client confidentiality, conflicts of interest and reputational/commercial risks. The ideal candidate has multiple years of experience within a reputable, international law firm. They will have compre...
up to £80000
Our client, a Magic Circle Law Firm, is seeking a Senior Compliance Analyst to join their office in London. Within this role, you will advise the firm on issues relative to new clients and matters, such as client confidentiality, conflicts of interest and reputational/commercial risks. The ideal candidate must have experience within a reputable, international law firm. Comprehensive knowledge o...
Glasgow City
up to £40000
We have a new opportunity for a Risk Analyst in Glasgow to join a dynamic Independent Law Firm. This position is ideal for someone with experience in the legal/professional services sectors or those who have worked with AML, data protection, complaints and claims.
Returned: 52 results
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