Job Search

Here you will find a selection of our latest jobs. If you do not see a role you are interested in, be sure to register or use our job alert feature as we have jobs landing daily. We may also be working on a confidential basis with some of our Clients.
Your Job search: 52 results
up to £100000
Our client, an International Law Firm is seeking a Risk Lawyer to join their Risk and Compliance team. The role supports senior management in managing regulatory, compliance and professional risks associated with the Firm. The ideal candidate is a qualified lawyer with 5+ years of experience working in an international commercial law environment with experience in compliance and professional prac...
up to £60000
Our client, a Silver Circle Law Firm, is looking for a Conflicts Advisor to join their team in London. In this role, you will advise on conflicts-related issues to support the wider risk & compliance team. To succeed in this role, you will have risk and compliance experience within a law firm or legal setting. You will be an expert in all conflicts-related matters, able to run end-to-end confli...
up to £53000
Our Client, an International Law Firm, is seeking a driven AML Analyst to join their dynamic team in London. Within this role, you will manage a broad range of business acceptance and compliance-related issues. Prior compliance experience within a law firm is vital, specifically within a conflicts, risk or AML-based role. Equally, familiarity with SRA Rules and AML Legislation/Regulations is des...
West Midlands
up to £30000
A leading, full-service UK Law Firm is seeking a Compliance Analyst to join them in Birmingham. Within this role, you will assist in the client onboarding process, undertaking AML/KYC and conflicts checks, among other duties. This position is perfect for someone who has worked in a similar role and is now looking for their next opportunity. Prior experience within a legal environment is vital, ...
up to £85000
Have you got experience in law firm risk and compliance? Do you want to be responsible for all things AML and compliance in a well-respected law firm? Can you commute to South-East London (on a hybrid basis)? If you have answered 'yes' to the above, then we could be recruiting your next, new job!
up to £35000
We are working with a prestigious, multinational law firm, seeking a Compliance Assistant to join them in Manchester. This position is perfect for someone who has worked in a similar role within a law firm and is now looking for their next opportunity. Within this role, you will handle intake requests and assist with new client matters, amongst other responsibilities. A candidate familiar with ...
Returned: 52 results
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