Job Search

Here you will find a selection of our latest jobs. If you do not see a role you are interested in, be sure to register or use our job alert feature as we have jobs landing daily. We may also be working on a confidential basis with some of our Clients.
Your Job search: 52 results
up to £75000
A global law firm is seeking a Contracts manager to join their amazing team in London. The ideal candidate will be an enthusiastic individual with a legal background and with bonus points for experience in data protection law. The primary focuses are managing the lifecycle of the Firm's supplier contracts, being responsible for the operational upkeep of the bespoke contract management system and ...
up to £65000
We have a great, new opportunity for a lawyer interested in a role with flexibility, minimal pressure and many opportunities to learn. Our client is a leading national law firm looking for a qualified lawyer with prior experience in risk & compliance or within a private practice to join their lovely and supportive team. This role would be well-suited for someone already with law firm Risk & Compli...
up to £70000
Are you a qualified solicitor or legal professional? Someone passionate about risk and compliance? If you answered yes, you may be interested in this new opportunity. We are looking for a Risk and Compliance Lawyer who can provide specialist legal risk-based advice on complex areas of regulatory compliance for a Top 100 UK law firm, working remotely. All you need is experience dealing with GDPR, ...
up to £70000
Are you a qualified solicitor or legal professional? Someone passionate about risk and compliance? If you answered yes, you may be interested in this new opportunity. We are looking for a Risk and Compliance Lawyer who can provide specialist legal risk-based advice on complex areas of regulatory compliance for a Top 100 UK law firm, based in Nottingham (with flexibility for fully remote). All you...
up to £70000
Are you a qualified solicitor or legal professional? Someone passionate about risk and compliance? If you answered yes, you may be interested in this new opportunity. We are looking for a Risk and Compliance Lawyer who can provide specialist legal risk-based advice on complex areas of regulatory compliance for a Top 100 UK law firm, based in London (with flexibility for fully remote). All you nee...
up to £70000
Are you a qualified solicitor or legal professional? Someone passionate about risk and compliance? If you answered yes, you may be interested in this new opportunity. We are looking for a Risk and Compliance Lawyer who can provide specialist legal risk-based advice on complex areas of regulatory compliance for a Top 100 UK law firm, based in Cardiff (with flexibility for fully remote). All you ne...
Returned: 52 results
3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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