Job Search

Here you will find a selection of our latest jobs. If you do not see a role you are interested in, be sure to register or use our job alert feature as we have jobs landing daily. We may also be working on a confidential basis with some of our Clients.
Your Job search: 52 results
Glasgow City
up to £50000
We have an exciting new position for a Conflicts Advisor in an International Law Firm. Our client is looking for a seasoned professional with considerable experience in conflict roles within a law firm. Experience with Intapp is advantageous but non-essential. This position is based in Glasgow. In this position, you will report to the Conflicts Manager and work with legal and commercial conflict...
up to £26000
We have an exciting new opportunity at a dynamic Legal Consultancy Company in Loughborough. We are looking for a Compliance Assistant to support the team and clients, as well as carry out various administrative tasks in the day-to-day running of the business. This role would be ideal for a Law Graduate wanting to step into compliance, an office administrator eager to join the compliance field, o...
up to £40000
We have an exciting new opportunity for a Compliance Officer to join a dynamic Legal Consultancy Company. This role is based in Loughborough and boasts hybrid flexibility for someone who can hit the ground running.  The ideal candidate is someone with strong written and communication skills and a good knowledge of CQS, Lexcel and SRA Regulations. Proven experience in compliance in the legal secto...
up to £35000
We have an incredible new opportunity for a Compliance Analyst to join a prestigious National Law Firm. This role is based in the Peterborough/Spalding or Birmingham area. Prior experience within a legal compliance environment is vital, specifically within an AML role working within a law firm. Equally, familiarity with UK Sanctions and AML, CPF Regulations and CTF would be desirable for this rol...
up to £28000
We have a new opportunity for someone keen to start their career in compliance. Our client is a well-respected national law firm seeking a Compliance Assistant to join them in Peterborough/Spalding. This role is perfect for a Paralegal, Legal Assistant or Law Graduate interested in taking their first steps into compliance. The ideal candidate possesses excellent analytical and problem-solving ski...
up to £70000
A top global law firm is looking for a Compliance Team Leader to support the Compliance Manager in providing tailored training to new joiners into the Business Acceptance and supervise a team of compliance professionals. This role is ideal for someone with a keen eye for detail and an enthusiastic approach to prioritising complex tasks. You’ll support the team with training on systems, conflicts,...
Returned: 52 results
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