Job Search

Here you will find a selection of our latest jobs. If you do not see a role you are interested in, be sure to register or use our job alert feature as we have jobs landing daily. We may also be working on a confidential basis with some of our Clients.
Your Job search: 52 results
up to £40000
We have a new opportunity for a Risk Analyst in Edinburgh  to join a dynamic Independent Law Firm.  This position is ideal for someone with experience in the legal/professional services sectors or those who have worked with AML, data protection, complaints and claims. 
up to £35000
We are working with a dynamic full-service Law Firm in Cardiff requiring an Internal Auditor. This role is perfect for someone with several years of PQE and a strong comprehensive knowledge of the Real Estate Finance sector.
up to £22000
Have you secured a training contract with a law firm? Do you want to gain skills to stand out from the crowd? Do you want to broaden your experience? Do you want to do something different & interesting before you start? We are a specialist legal recruitment agency looking for future trainee solicitors to work with us in our Law Firm Risk & Compliance recruitment team. If you have 6-12 months avai...
Greater Manchester
up to £50000
We have an exciting new position for a Conflicts Advisor in an International Law Firm. Our client is looking for a seasoned professional with considerable experience in conflict roles within a law firm. Experience with Intapp is advantageous but non-essential. This position is based in Manchester. In this position, you will report to the Conflicts Manager and work with legal and commercial confl...
West Yorkshire
up to £50000
We have an exciting new position for a Conflicts Advisor in an International Law Firm. Our client is looking for a seasoned professional with considerable experience in conflict roles within a law firm. Experience with Intapp is advantageous but non-essential. This position is based in Leeds. In this position, you will report to the Conflicts Manager and work with legal and commercial conflicts,...
City of Edinburgh
up to £50000
We have an exciting new position for a Conflicts Advisor in an International Law Firm. Our client is looking for a seasoned professional with considerable experience in conflict roles within a law firm. Experience with Intapp is advantageous but non-essential. This position is based in Edinburgh. In this position, you will report to the Conflicts Manager and work with legal and commercial confli...
Returned: 52 results
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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